
Akad. arch., Ing. arch. Stanislav Picek



Life offered me three citizenships

I was born in Czechoslovakia, I gained my personal freedom in Canada and destiny blessed me when Belgian violinist Edith Volckaert became my wife.

Education formed my attitudes towards creation

  • AVU – Academy of Fine Arts – Architecture, postgraduate studies 1969 - 1972
  • ČVUT – Czech Technical University – Architecture 1963 – 1969
  • Art-Industrial school – Exhibition design, Interieur 1959 – 1963

One of my aims is to bring the understanding of the sense of Architecture to the public

I am a member of these organizations:

  • Czech Chamber of Architects
  • Board of Architects
  • RAIC - Royal Architectural Institute of Canada
  • SCARB - Société centrale d'architecture de Belgique
  • L' Ordre des Architectes des Belgique
  • Academy of Architecture
  • Member of jury of Architectural competitions (i.g. World Intellectual Property Organisation-WIPO-part of UN)
  • Member of State examination board with CVUT (Architecture and Urban planning) and Academy of ARTS (Architecture and Design)
  • Member of Professional Court of Czech Chamber of Architects

My work in the world

My work is presented in the Pompidou Centre in Paris, in the Art-industrial museum in Prague and in Prague´s National Gallery, at the Trade Fair Palace.